
A core focus for SEI is to invest in and operate assets that have a positive environmental impact and is consistent with our responsible investment philosophies.

Since SEI ownership, our biomass and biogas assets have generated a total of approximately

1,296,337 MWh of electricity


 have gained a total of

200,091 LGC Renewable Energy Certificates


and over this time have abated

1,037,070 tonnes of CO2.


redundant land.

SEI is currently developing a portfolio of regional mid-scale solar farms across South Australia and Victoria in partnership with YES Group. These projects aim to reactivate suitable redundant land parcels to create a distributed network of renewable energy.


 Australian Carbon Credit Units

SEI is an important participant in the national electricity network and in addition to its pipeline of renewable energy developments, SEI has generated over 334,753 ACCUs (Australian Carbon Credit Units).

Helping Australian industry and electricity wholesalers/retailers achieve their carbon goals.